Save Money for a Property

Many South Africans dream of owning a home, but achieving this in their 20s or 30s can seem unrealistic due to high property prices, economic challenges, and lingering debts like student loans. This often makes homeownership appear out of reach, leading many to continue renting. However, saving for a deposit is a crucial step towards home ownership. A substantial deposit not only strengthens your financial position but also demonstrates to banks that you are financially responsible, increasing their confidence in approving a home loan.

Key Takeaways

  • Set Clear Financial Goals: Break down your savings target into manageable steps, aiming for around 10-12% of the property’s value. Establish a dedicated savings account to keep these funds separate and maximise growth with interest.
  • Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Review your spending habits and reduce costs in areas such as rent, groceries, and discretionary spending. Redirect these savings towards building your deposit.
  • Use Available Resources: Explore government schemes like First Home Finance and consider improving your credit history over time to boost your chances of securing a favourable home loan.

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Establish a Clear Goal

Saving for a house deposit becomes much more manageable when broken down into smaller, achievable steps. Setting a realistic goal is crucial. Aim to have around 10 to 12% of the property’s value set aside for the deposit, which will need to be paid upfront. Start by determining the total amount you wish to save for this deposit. Then, review your current finances in detail. Identify areas where you can cut back on expenses, find opportunities to save more, and pinpoint aspects of your lifestyle where you might be overspending.

Monitor Your Spending

To stick to your budget and avoid unnecessary spending, it’s important to monitor your expenses closely. While using a spreadsheet to record every single purchase might seem like a disciplined approach, it can often be impractical and may lead to some expenses being missed or overlooked. A more effective option would be to use a budgeting app or adopt a simpler tracking method that fits better with your daily routine. By choosing a tool that aligns with your lifestyle, you are more likely to stay on top of your spending and maintain control over your finances.

The foundation of any savings goal, especially for a property, is an effective budget. Learning how to create a budget ensures you track your income, cut unnecessary expenses, and allocate more toward your property fund.

Reduce Expenses to Save Money for a Property

Reduce Expenses

A highly effective method to start saving for your deposit is by reducing unnecessary expenditures. Here are a few strategies to help you achieve this goal:


Reduce Your Rent Expenses

To effectively save for a house deposit, it’s essential to reassess and minimise your spending in various areas of your life. A practical starting point is evaluating how much you are currently allocating towards accommodation. What percentage of your monthly income goes towards rent? If it exceeds 30%, it may be worth considering more cost-effective options. This could involve seeking shared accommodation, opting for a smaller room, or relocating to a less expensive area. The aim is to avoid contributing an excessive amount to someone else’s mortgage when those funds could be used to build your own.

Become a Savvy Shopper

Become a Savvy Shopper

The saying “every small saving adds up” is particularly relevant when managing your finances. It’s wise to find ways to purchase what you need while paying the lowest possible prices. One approach is to organise your meals around items on special at the supermarket. Consider joining loyalty programmes to earn points on your purchases and subscribe to newsletters that notify you of upcoming sales. By cutting costs on essentials, you can lower your monthly budget, setting aside more funds for your future home deposit.

Savings Account for Your House Deposit

Set Up a Dedicated Savings Account for Your House Deposit

When preparing to save for a future house deposit, it is wise to establish a dedicated savings account specifically for this purpose. By doing so, you avoid the temptation of using these funds for everyday expenses or other financial needs, ensuring that the money remains strictly reserved for your deposit. This separation not only sets a clear boundary for your savings but also allows you to maximise your efforts by earning interest over time. Choosing an account with a higher interest rate, such as a fixed deposit or high-interest savings account, can significantly enhance your savings growth. Additionally, if the account allows for withdrawals at any time, it can serve as a financial buffer in case of unexpected expenses if you do not already have an emergency fund in place.

Don’t forget about transfer fees on property, which can come as a surprise to first-time buyers. These fees can quickly add up, so make sure to account for them in your budget and savings plan. Knowing this upfront will keep you financially prepared for the full cost of your property purchase.

Sold property

Building Up the Deposit

For many aspiring homeowners, particularly those stepping onto the property ladder for the first time, the initial deposit often presents the most significant obstacle. However, there is good news: the possibility of obtaining a 100% home loan exists, effectively removing the requirement for an upfront deposit.

Given the current financial climate in South Africa, now may be an ideal time to consider applying for a 100% home loan. The market is experiencing a situation where the availability of properties exceeds the number of potential buyers. As a result, banks are actively competing to offer home loans, increasing the likelihood of these applications being approved.

Focus on Your Objective

Focus on Your Objective

Saving for a deposit on your future home is undeniably a challenging process. It requires significant patience and a strong sense of self-discipline. Keeping your focus on the end goal is essential. Consider cutting unnecessary expenses: cancel that gym membership you never use, avoid upgrading your mobile phone contract, review your insurance policies for better deals, prepare more meals at home, and shop for clothing only during sales. Every small amount saved brings you closer to having the keys to your very own house.

Take time to reflect on how important homeownership is to you. Is it significant enough to make it a top priority, even if it means putting other desires, such as travel, on hold? If the answer is yes, then commit to the effort wholeheartedly. With this level of determination, you’ll find that, in the not-so-distant future, you will have enough saved to make that all-important deposit on your own property.


While saving for a property deposit in South Africa can be challenging due to the current economic climate and increasing living costs, it is achievable with a strategic approach. Setting clear goals, managing your spending wisely, and implementing effective saving strategies can make this goal more attainable. By closely monitoring your expenses, using a dedicated savings account, and utilising available resources, you can improve your financial position and progress towards owning a home. Although the journey may require patience and sacrifice, staying focused and committed can turn the dream of homeownership into reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I save for a deposit on a property in South Africa?

It is generally recommended to aim for a deposit between 10% and 12% of the property’s value. Saving this amount not only strengthens your financial position but also shows banks that you are a low-risk borrower, which can increase your chances of securing a home loan with favourable terms.

What is the best way to start saving for a property deposit?

Begin by setting a clear and realistic savings goal based on the property you wish to buy. Open a dedicated savings account specifically for your house deposit to keep these funds separate from your everyday spending. To boost your savings, review your current spending habits, cut unnecessary costs, and consider setting up an automated monthly transfer to this account. This way, a portion of your income is regularly set aside, bringing you closer to your goal.

How can I reduce my monthly expenses to save more for my house deposit?

To maximise your savings, start by reviewing your monthly expenses and finding areas where you can cut back. This might involve reducing your rent by opting for shared accommodation, moving to a more affordable area, or choosing a smaller space. Be strategic with your shopping by seeking out specials, using loyalty programmes, and buying in bulk. Also, consider cancelling unused subscriptions and memberships to cut down on unnecessary expenses. Every bit saved contributes to your deposit fund.

Are there any government schemes available to help South Africans save for a property?

Yes, the First Home Finance scheme (formerly known as FLISP) is a government initiative designed to assist first-time homebuyers with modest incomes. If your monthly earnings are between R3 501 and R22 000, you may qualify for a subsidy ranging from R38 878 to R169 264. This financial support can significantly ease your path to homeownership by helping with the deposit for your new home.

How can I improve my chances of getting a home loan approval?

Building a strong credit history is crucial for improving your chances of loan approval. Consider making small purchases on credit and ensuring you pay off the balance in full and on time each month. This demonstrates responsible financial behaviour and shows lenders that you can manage debt effectively. Avoid accumulating excessive debt, as maintaining a low debt-to-income ratio presents a positive image to banks, which can increase the likelihood of your loan application being approved.

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*Representative example: Estimated repayments of a loan of R30 000 over 36 months at a maximum interest rate including fees of 27,5% APR would be R1232.82 per month.
Loan amount R100 - R350 000. Repayment terms can range from 3 - 72 months. Minimum APR is 5% and maximum APR is 60%.

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